Bubbles Inspire: An Innovative Approach to Educational Design

Pone Architecture Transforms Children's Art Education with Bubble-Inspired Design

When a child's innocent question about bubbles meeting the ceiling inspired a design concept, Pone Architecture took it to heart and created an innovative educational project. This article explores the unique properties, realization technology, and the challenges faced in creating this award-winning design.

Children have a unique way of viewing the world, their perspectives often unfiltered and unencumbered by the constraints of adult thinking. This was the case when Pone Architecture's design director Ming Leung's 4-year-old daughter asked a simple yet profound question: "When bubbles meet the ceiling, why do they burst? Why doesn’t the ceiling burst?" This innocent query became the central concept for an arts academy in Wuhan, China, designed by Pone Architecture.

The design, aptly named "Bubbles Inspire," embodies the idea that all humans are entitled to be linked with art and that there should be no boundaries in this pursuit. The design team aimed to provide more venues and stages to encourage and activate the natural art potential in children. The goal was to create an environment where children learn rules in freedom and understand how enjoyable learning can be in a fun space.

The main material used in the design includes latex paint for the walls, reinforced wood flooring, ceramic tile, furniture, lamp, hardware, and home appliances. The fluid open spaces that greet visitors are anchored by the sweeping curves of a staircase with illuminated steps that spiral upward, while an overarching canopy swoops down. Room enclosures curve enticingly, leading the eye around corners. These enclosures are clad with vertical panels of blond wood-grain composite, the only color against an ethereal white backdrop.

One of the unique features of the design is the lighting. Sunlight shines through the large windows of perimeter classrooms, then filters through their glass fronts, into corridors. Artificial illumination is LED, softly diffused by a stretched membrane system. Against the predominantly white backdrop, the overall effect is of a gentle aura that seems to radiate from the curving surfaces.

The project, which started in August 2017 and finished in September 2018, faced several challenges. The owner of the project proposed three key demands: The Art Center should not feature childlike fun but should establish an image of a professional education institution. The design of the interior space should be based on the feelings of children, which is different from the constrained and rigid style of traditional teaching environment. The Art Center itself should be a space of art in the city.

The Bubbles Inspire design by Pone Architecture has been recognized for its innovative approach to educational design. It was awarded Platinum in A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2019. This prestigious award recognizes world-class, exceptional, and highly innovative designs that showcase unmatched professionalism, genius, and contribute to societal wellbeing.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Ming Leung
Image Credits: IMAGE #1:Photographer Chen Ming,the image is art space of reason and art logic. IMAGE #2:Photographer Chen Ming,the image is the Art Center will be a space for education in function, and a serine and nourishing place for the soul in spirit. IMAGE #3:Photographer Chen Ming,the image,We hope to transform the space into an inspiration for education,activating children’s sense of art at an early age. IMAGE #4:Photographer Chen Ming,the image is lighting design is based on large smooth film. Soft lighting shows the most beautiful and most confident side of the figures and contour of dancers, well blending humans, space and art together, showing serenity in space like poems. IMAGE #5:Photographer Chen Ming,the image is the classroom is not just defined by doors, as the stage is everywhere. There is more fun in the aggregation of public spaces, which might be a workshop, or a mini-concert. Public personal space is set up inside the Art Center, which allows the children to express themselves freely.
Project Team Members: Designer is PONE ARCHITECTURE. Lead Designer,Leader,Design Director:Ming Leung. Design Director:Golden Ho Team:Pinyong Luo.Weilong Li.Yueliu Hua. Jianyun Jiang.Junneng Hong.Xiaoliang Lin.
Project Name: Bubble Arts
Project Client: Ming Leung

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